Welcome to Dog Tired

I’m a firm believer that everyone has a story. We’ve all been shaped by what we’ve been through, and we’ve all seen some pretty amazing things. This isn’t a new phenomenon, though it may seem like it with the prevalence of social media and its ability to reach so many people. As long as there have been people, there have been stories. And as long as there have been stories, there have been artists finding better ways of telling those stories. This is what drives Dog Tired.

One of the things that makes music such a powerful medium is the ability to connect — to get others to feel how you feel. Inspiration to craft your own narrative comes from a number of sources, but as a guitar player, I’ve always felt the most creative when I’ve had a guitar in my hands that has its own story.  I know it sounds odd, but I’ve always had this fascination with old things because of the life they’ve seen. The more used an item, the more I like to touch it and imagine the tales around it. There’s a connection I feel with the history, and I think that history deserves to be told regardless of how insignificant it may seem. That’s why I do what I do. I want to dig up these stories and use them to help inspire the story tellers of our time.

This blog is going to serve as a way of elaborating on the stories of the guitars I’m building. Sometimes the posts may be historical accounts of the structures.  Other times they may be about the journey of the client or stories around the charities I support by building donation guitars. If you’re interested in connecting with the circumstances surrounding how and why I do what I do, then grab your favorite beverage, sit down in your favorite chair, and enjoy the journey with us.

“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” – Rudyard Kipling

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